When your are getting to middle age it starts to become obvious you can’t take your health for granted! Being healthy now will give you the best chance of having a long healthy life into old age. The problem with health is that it can seemingly go wrong suddenly, just…
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Have you been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes? Or Pre-Diabetes? Is your Blood Pressure high? Is your Cholesterol high? Are you medicating your way out of poor lifestyle choices? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Transform is a complete wellness programme that drives habitual change with…
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A very common reason why someone would come to our office needing help is for knee pain. The “punching bag” of the leg: Many years ago one of my lecturers and mentors told me that the knee was the “punching bag” of the leg. What he meant by this is…
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When we are on holiday and out of our usual routines, we can cause ourselves unnecessary discomfort and stress by injuring ourselves. A good start to your holiday preparations is to take note of these top tips for an injury free holiday. Keep these tips in mind for a safe…
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When you think about the term ‘stress’, your mind probably jumps straight to feelings of emotional negativity. Whilst this can definitely be the case with many forms of stress I prefer to think of it as multifaceted: Emotional, Physical and Chemical/Nutritional. In some cases stress is actually good for us,…
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